Visiting Maine has been on our “must do” list since the beginning of this adventure. We also realized on our drive from New Hampshire to Freeport, that Maine was the first state that neither of us had ever been to before. That certainly had us excited!
We stayed at Winslow State Park, just outside of Freeport, Maine. We were lucky to nab a spot here for two weeks. The park was gorgeously positioned on a peninsula with beautiful ocean views all around. This was a dry camping park, so we got a chance to really test out our solar setup and generator. The camp hosts were incredibly nice, and the changing tide gave us new views every time we took a run around the campground. If you are looking for a spot to camp near Freeport, we highly recommend this park.
Sunset view from the tip of the peninsula at Winslow State Park
Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor
We loved our spot in Freeport and chose to leave our trailer at Winslow park while we took a weekend excursion to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. We got to stay at a Bed and Breakfast (one of our favorite things to do), tour the town of Bar Harbor, and venture into the National Park. Sadly, mother nature gave us a rather cloudy day for our tour, but even in the fog, the park did not disappoint. Acadia certainly goes on our list as a place we'd like to come back to for more hiking and to capture the perfect view from the top of Cadillac Mountain. Until next time, here are a few pictures from our foggy day in the park.

Last (planned) day in Maine
Steven had to travel for work for a week while we were in Maine, so when he got back we had to pack the last few days of our stay with some quintessential Maine the Portland Head Light lighthouse.
Last (unexpected) day in Maine
Our 4runner started acting up and flashing warning lights, so our departure from Maine was delayed a bit. But everything happens for a reason, and we were determined to make the most of it. Luckily we were sent a little help.
While packing up (on what we truly thought was our last morning in Maine), we had a wonderful encounter with a Maine local. Charles Ramsey was intrigued by our trailer and stopped to ask us questions. Unfortunately we ended up talking so long that his truck ran out of gas! We offered him a ride into town to get gas and ultimately got a "behind the scenes" tour of Freeport and its local color. (Flash to us meeting a local fisherman returning with a bounty of quahogs and us not having a clue what a quahog was!) Charles bought us breakfast and we returned him to his truck and heeded his advice to visit Peaks Island before we left the state.
Traveling like a local certainly is the way to go! We got to explore the artist island of Peaks Island, enjoyed a reggae festival, local seafood, and a gorgeous sunset. Thank you Charles, and whatever stars aligned that let us meet such a kind gentleman.
There is no doubt in our minds that we will come back to Maine in the future. We'd like to travel further north, see the parks and mountains at the height of fall, and of course return to the lovely coastline.
And now that we have reached the furthest north east corner in the U.S. we will be making a left and heading west to complete our circumnavigation of the country!